What Do You Do If Your Wisdom Tooth Is Impacted?

What Do You Do If Your Wisdom Tooth Is Impacted?

Our dentists are pleased to provide wisdom teeth removal for our patients in Chicago, Illinois. As your last four teeth to come through (out of 32 permanent teeth) they sometimes have difficulty erupting just because there isn't sufficient room to let them come through. Should this occur, you are experiencing an impaction. Sometimes these impacted wisdom teeth display signs of... read more »

Do You Have Untreated Tooth Decay in Your Smile?

Don't let tooth decay go untreated in your smile. When tooth decay sets in, it attacks your pearly whites and invites the formation of cavities. Cavities arise when oral bacteria feed on sugary foods (and drinks) to create acids. This acidic residue combines with bacteria, food particles, and saliva, in the mouth to form a sticky film known as plaque. As... read more »

Family Dental of Lincoln